Meet the Artist – Yancy McCarron
Mineral Area Council on the Arts (MACOA) sponsors Battle of Pilot Knob art project by Yancy McCarron.
Yancy McCarron of Park Hills, a second year student at Mineral Area College (MAC), is already a celebrated artist. While a Central High School student, she completed her first year of college credits. Also, while in high school, she won many awards for her artwork. Her awards at the Mineral Area Council on the Arts (MACOA) K-12 Art Show include: First Place in Printmaking, Freshman year; First Place in Black and White Drawing, Sophomore year; and First Place in Black and White drawing and First Place in Open 3-D, Junior year. During her Senior year, McCarron took First Place in three categories – Painting, Fibers, and Open 3-D, as well as Third Place in Painting and “Best in Show” for 2-D Art.
McCarron has had an interest in art from a young age and credited her mother for influencing her creativity. She shared, “My mom is very creative and is always doing some kind of project involving some form of art (usually sewing).” She also noted that she was intrigued when her older brothers were taking art classes. McCarron remembers, “I decided to take it [art] when I had the option and enjoyed every minute of it.”
The artist also has a keen interest in history. While a Junior at Central High School, she entered the St. Louis Holocaust Museum Art and Writing Contest. She placed Second for her oil painting entry. When another project combining historical research and art arose, Yancy jumped on board.
Scottye Adkins, Executive Director of MACOA said, “It began when Bryan Bethel, Natural Resource Manager of Battle of Pilot Knob State Historic Site in Pilot Knob contacted the MAC art instructor, Ms. Abril Warner, looking for students to create images of the Battle of Pilot Knob which took place in 1864. While some Civil War battles have photographic images and artist renderings, there is very little available of the Battle of Pilot Knob. Mr. Bethel requested a painting using materials that were accurate for the period. McCarron immediately was inspired to take on the project. She has made numerous trips to the historic site to research and consult with Mr. Bethel. Her efforts are nearing the completion of a 36” x 48” painting.”
McCarron’s work in progress will be exhibited in the Mineral Area College Gallery (Fine Arts Theater Lobby) during the MAC Community Band and Steel Drum concert Tuesday evening, December 10, at 7:30 p.m. As patrons are welcomed to the MAC Theater, they will enter through the viewing area of McCarron’s work in progress, which includes a short historical essay describing the painting. The finished painting will then be showcased at the Battle of Pilot Knob State Historic Site Museum in Pilot Knob in April 2020. Mineral Area Council on the Arts has been honored to support McCarron in this project!
McCarron is a 2019 graduate of Central High School and the daughter of Robert and Emma McCarron of Park Hills. She is also a member of the national collegiate honor society, Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), the MAC Art Club, and MAC Concert Band. After receiving her Associate of Arts degree from MAC in 2020, she plans to pursue a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Art History or related field. She desires to curate a museum and restore paintings.
Examples of Yancy McCarron’s work may be found on Instagram at @yancy.the.artist and in her portfolio at https://yancykm.portfoliobox.net/home.
For more information, contact Scottye Adkins at 573-518-2125 or sadkins@MineralArea.edu.