MACOA Offers New Service to Community
Mineral Area Council on the Arts (MACOA) has launched a new resource called Artist Connect for our service area. Artist Connect will allow an artist to enter appropriate information about what he or she has to offer patrons in a simple Google form. MACOA will use this information to create a database to be a resource for patrons wanting to hire or purchase from local artists. Currently, the Google form will accept entries for visual artists, musicians, thespians, and dancers. The goal is to serve local artists and to be a resource for local patrons.
A key part of MACOA’s mission is to support local arts and artists. Scottye Adkins, Executive Director of MACOA, said, “It has become evident that when local patrons have a need for a particular artist to create or perform, the Arts Council is a logical place to call. Other than word-of-mouth, we had no such resource. In order to fulfill this need, Artist Connect has been created. We hope this database will be beneficial to our community!”
Artists may find the Artist Connect Google form at https://cutt.ly/MACOAArtistConnect. This link is also available on Facebook at Mineral Area Council on the Arts, Instagram @MineralAreaArts, and Twitter MineralAreaArts.
As artists complete the Artist Connect Google form, the data will be collected into a spreadsheet which will then be accessible for patrons to view on MACOA’s website.
Let’s make the connection between local artists and patrons! For questions regarding the MACOA Artist Connect form or database, the public is welcome to contact Scottye Adkins for more information or assistance at (573) 518-2125 or sadkins@MineralArea.edu.