Arcadia Valley Banners Coming Soon!
The beautiful towns in the Arcadia Valley – Arcadia, Ironton, and Pilot Knob, will soon have new student artwork to view throughout the summer. Mineral Area Council on the Arts is pleased to announce that the Ironton branch of First State Community Bank (FSCB) is sponsoring the creation of 30 light pole banners to be produced and displayed throughout the three municipalities. The artwork was chosen from the 123 remaining Arcadia Valley student entries from the City of Farmington ART Blooms competition. The stay-in-place order made it necessary for these entries to be judged through a virtual process by representatives from the Ironton branch of First State Community Bank, each municipality represented, and the Mineral Area Council on the Arts Board of Directors.
Scottye Adkins, Executive Director of the Mineral Area Council on the Arts, has coordinated the administration and the judging process. Adkins shared, “There is so much beautiful artwork remaining after the Farmington contest, it seemed a shame for the public not to view it. When Chris Wigger, President of the Ironton FSCB and his assistant, Erica Hovis, contacted me about the idea, I was more than happy to assist in whatever way possible. We have so much talent throughout our area!” Wigger stated, “We are not going to let this virus stop us! This will lift some spirits here in the Valley!” Greg Beavers, City Administrator of Farmington stated, “We would love to see all the area towns follow this example and create their own banners! It is such a fun thing for the students to see their artwork on display and beautifies our streets.”
The following students’ artwork will be made into light pole banners and displayed in the next few weeks.
Lucy Inman, Age 6
Elena Johnson, Age 7
Holdn Pogue, Age 7
LillyMay Martin, Age 7
Sophia Gott, Age 7
Avery Knupp, Age 8
Brandt Blaty, Age 8
Camielle Walker, Age 8
Paisley Crites, Age 8
Tegan Jones, Age 8
Rayonna Faries, Age 9
Jesse Tyndall, Age 9
Trinity McGrael, Age 9
Ian Lourwood, Age 10
Zoe Anderson, Age 10
Aubrey Boeving, Age 11
Collin Racer, Age 11
Nadia Parker, Age 11
Reese Brogan, Age 11
Brooklynn Metcalf, Age 12
Lexie Reed, Age 12
Katelyn Inman, Age 13
Hailey Hartwick, Age 14
Breanna Ivester, Age 15
McCoy Lucy, Age 15
Lilee Jones, Age 16
MaKayla Keesee, Age 16
Bella Randolph, Age 17
Taylon Jones, Age 17
Madison Bates, Age 18