ART Blooms in Four Towns Spring of 2021
It’s time for the 7th annual Light Pole Banner Design Contest. This year’s event is bigger and better than ever! For the first time, this spring’s art will bloom on light pole banners in four area towns! In addition to Farmington and the Arcadia Valley, we will have student art displayed on the poles in Bismarck and Potosi! This year’s theme is “It’s a Brand New Day!” What would you do with a day without limitations? A day without social distancing or wearing masks? Show us your favorite thing to do!
The 2021 contest is sponsored by the City of Farmington, First State Community Bank in Ironton and Potosi, Unico Bank in Bismarck, and Mineral Area Council on the Arts. There will be thirty (30) banners displayed in Arcadia Valley, twenty (20) banners displayed in Bismarck, and twenty (20) banners displayed in Potosi, winners being chosen from each school district and homeschools within the school district respectively. Once again, there will be one hundred (100) banners displayed in downtown Farmington chosen from all entries other than those of Arcadia Valley, Bismarck, and Potosi. The winning artwork will be displayed from late March into November of 2021 and will include credit to the winning artist.
The ART Blooms contest is open to local K-12 students in public, private, and home schools in the Mineral Area. Students are asked to submit an original drawing, painting, or illustration depicting the theme “It’s a Brand New Day” – a day without limitations. The possibilities are endless and can include favorite activities, places to be, people to see, so many options!
Artwork must be submitted to the Farmington Library or MACOA by Friday, January 29, 2021. Farmington Library, 101 N A Street, Farmington, MO 63640; Mineral Area Council on the Arts, PO Box 1000, Park Hills, MO 63601 or dropped off at Mineral Area College Fine Arts Building, Room 134. If mailed, entries should be submitted flat in a protective envelope. The artwork should not be folded.
Official guidelines and entry forms are available here.
Banner Terms & Conditions_2021
Artwork must be submitted on this official entry form.
2021 Banner Contest Entry Form
Questions may be directed to Scottye Adkins at (573) 518-2125 or sadkins@MineralArea.edu.