BRAVE is BEAUTIFUL! Nominate Your Local Hero
Who do you admire for their strength, their ability to rise above hardship, their perseverance in adversity, their uniqueness, their service to others? Each one has a different idea of what it means to be strong and brave. Mineral Area Council on the Arts (MACOA) is collaborating with Brandon Scheldt of highlightpics portrait photography to recognize the diverse and strong citizens of the Parkland and they are seeking nominations from you!
The idea was birthed following a photo exhibit MACOA sponsored in the fall of 2020. The community expressed the desire for a photo exhibit that recognizes our local heroes. We are excited about this project but need our community’s help.
All nominations will be honored by recognition in a press release. Of the nominations, ten (10) will be chosen by a committee of MACOA and community representatives to have a professional portrait taken by highlightpics professional photographer, Brandon Scheldt. Those chosen will be contacted by Scottye Adkins for scheduling.
The photos will be exhibited with an excerpt from the submitted nomination at the Mineral Area College C. H. Cozean Library March 21 – April 1, 2022 during normal business hours then at the Centene Center on April 2, 2022 from Noon – 4:00 p.m. Following the exhibit, the photo will be given to the “Brave is Beautiful” nominee to keep.
Who comes to mind? To nominate your hero, use the official form found here:
Submit your nomination to Mineral Area Council on the Arts (MACOA), P.O. Box 1000, Park Hills, MO 63601 or email to sadkins@MineralArea.edu by 4:00 p.m., Friday, February 4, 2022.