MAC Student Art Show April 25 – 29 and MACOA 2022 K-12 Student Art Show Fills the MAC Field House on April 29
For several years the Mineral Area College Art Department and Mineral Area Council on the Arts have scheduled the two art shows in conjunction with one another for the convenience of the public. The Mineral Area College (MAC) Student Art Show will line the hallways of the Fine Arts Building from April 25 through April 29. The Mineral Area Council on the Arts (MACOA) K-12 Student Art Show will fill the MAC Field House and will be open to the public on Friday, April 29th.
It’s a true take-over when 1500+ pieces of honored artwork by students from across the region fill the spaces from the gym floor to the bleachers to behind the bleachers and in the Fine Arts Building halls!
The schedule is a little different for the 23rd MACOA K-12 Art Show. The field house will be open to the public on FRIDAY, April 29th, from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. The awards ceremony is to follow at 7:00 p.m. There will be no activities on Saturday.
The annual art show is a cooperative effort between MAC, MACOA and area art instructors who inspire Parkland students. The K-12 competition is open to public schools, private schools and home schools. Instructors select the artwork from their students according to grade and media and are then responsible for bringing the pieces to Mineral Area College to help set up the display. Each teacher is limited to how many pieces they may enter, so it is an honor for a student to be chosen to have work on display.
Artwork is divided into five age divisions and twelve media categories. In addition to the long-standing media categories of oils, water color, printmaking, clay, pencil, charcoal, and photography, a digital category has been added for the 2022 competition. MACOA strives to support artists in all forms when possible. “During preparation for the art show, we learned that digital artwork is increasingly becoming expected of art students who continue their education. We feel it is necessary to be relevant as we serve our art community,” said Scottye Adkins, Executive Director of MACOA. Digital artwork must be printed and available as a Photoshop file upon request. For full entry guidelines and category descriptions visit www.MineralAreaArts.org.
Artwork from students in grades K-2 are on display only. Each year, grades 3-12 artwork is judged anonymously by a pair of art educators from outside of the Parkland area. Different judges are chosen annually to maintain the integrity of the contest. “It is interesting to see how each set of judges has a different perspective and set of priorities. This makes for a wider opportunity for students as they develop their skills throughout their years of education.”
The MACOA board, art community, educators, and students alike are anxious to once again experience the joy of displaying and viewing the artwork of the talented students of this region under the tutelage of the instructors who diligently train them. The Art Show requires a full week of preparation leading up to the day of public viewing and a team to clean the field house at the end of the event. MACOA would like to thank the community volunteers who help make this happen each year.
The MAC Student Art Show is open to college students who took studio art classes during the current academic year. The categories are drawing, 3D (Sculpture/Ceramics), Printmaking, 2D Design/Color Theory, Painting, Honors, Photography, and Independent Work completed within the school year but not assigned. Although, due to limited space, not all artwork is chosen to be displayed, all studio students are encouraged to submit artwork for the show.
The MAC artwork is judged anonymously by an off-site artist or art educator. The 2021-2022 awards ceremony will be in the Fine Arts Building hallway at noon on Friday, April 29th.
Come and take it all in! See 1500+ pieces of honored artwork by our students from across the region. Admission is FREE.
Contact Scottye Adkins, Executive Director of Mineral Area Council on the Arts, for more information at sadkins@MineralArea.edu o
The competition is open to public schools, private schools and home schools. If you are interested in entering your students’ work. Be sure to review all the important details here. Entry forms are accepted through Friday, April 22, 2022.