The Freedom Endeavor Photo Exhibit & Honoring American Heroes Concert
Mineral Area Council on the Arts is honored to present The Freedom Endeavor Photo Exhibit, a photography project by Steven Snyder of Mount Vernon, Missouri. The mission of The Freedom Endeavor project “is to recognize and honor the everyday citizens who took the oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. The Freedom Endeavor also creates community awareness of the veterans we unknowingly see every day.” Each veteran’s story, in his or her own words, will be available along with the dramatic photo of the veteran. The photos include veterans from the eras of World War II, Korea, Vietnam, and those of the most recent times of conflict.
The MACOA Board of Directors has eagerly awaited the opportunity to present this exhibit to our community. The exhibit will be open to the public free of charge in the Mineral Area College Fine Art Gallery (Theater Lobby) at the dates and times listed below.
Tuesday, August 25, Noon – 4pm
Wednesday, August 26, Noon – 4pm
Thursday, August 27, Noon – 4pm
Friday, August 28, Noon – 4pm
Monday, August 31, 5 – 8pm
Tuesday, September 1, Noon – 4pm
Wednesday, September 2, Noon – 4pm
Thursday, September 3, Noon – 4pm
Friday, September 4, Noon – 4pm
Tuesday, September 8, 5 – 8pm
Wednesday, September 9, Noon – 4pm
Thursday, September 10, Noon – 4pm
Friday, September 11, Noon – 4pm and 5 – 8pm
Reservations are not necessary, however, those with the desire to make a reservation for social distancing or to bring a large group, please contact Scottye Adkins, Executive Director, at sadkins@MineralArea.edu or (573) 518-2125.
The Freedom Endeavor photo exhibit will culminate in an “Honoring American Heroes” concert in the Mineral Area College Theater on Friday, September 11th, at 7 p.m. The concert will include students from Mineral Area College assisting with our national anthem and presentation of the colors. A brass ensemble directed by Mr. Kurt Bauche of Farmington will perform a patriotic and exhilarating program that will include the theme songs of the five branches of the United States military among other entertaining tunes.
The photo exhibit and the concert are free to the public. Donations are welcome. MACOA wishes to invite our local American heroes, both military and first responders. It is the desire of the Board of Directors to honor those who have given so much throughout the history of our nation and done so with pride and dignity indicative of heroes. The Freedom Endeavor photo exhibit will magnify the faces of ordinary men and women who dug deep in order to achieve a level of endurance and heroism that many American citizens have never experienced.
All precautions are being followed in order to provide a safe and enjoyable art experience for the patrons. MACOA has prepared for your safety in part by becoming a Missouri ArtSafe Certified organization, which includes our pledge to follow guidelines set by our community health department and to respect others by the use of 1) facial coverings, 2) social distancing, 3) health checks, 4) contact tracing, 5) enhanced sanitation, and 6) training in COVID-19 practices. To view the Mineral Area Council on the Arts Safety Practices visit www.MineralAreaArts.org.